Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Who exactly am I?

Who am I? What defines me? What kind of a person am I?

My name is Courtney. I am eagerly awaiting graduation like my classmates. I am the type of student to go against the social norm of having an easy second semester of senior year; I have seven classes, four of which are honors level. I am not a newbie to honors classes. Every year I have had at least two honors classes. I believe that starting high school with honors classes has helped maintain my work ethic. The classes are harder so the student needs to be more motivated and willing to work hard.

Music is a big part of my life. I am a part of the orchestra, and have been for nine years now. I started playing violin in fourth grade, but then switched to viola in fifth grade. I absolutely love the sound of the viola; it is so deep and rich compared to the violin. I believe that music has helped me immensely with my studies and my life in general. Music is very soothing to me. Orchestra is what calms me down during the day. I have found that if I do not have orchestra one day I am extremely jittery the rest of the day. Orchestra is definitely my favorite class; not because it is an easy class, but because I have dedicated so much of my life to making music. I plan to continue playing my viola in college next year.

I am a kooky, crazy, and fun spirited kind of girl. My friends are basically the exact same way. I am loud and confident. I strut down the hallway. My friends and I are insanely close. We joke around that we all share a brain; which is apparent most of the time judging by how we finish each other's thoughts. Without my friends, I do not know who I would be or what I would be doing with my life.

Many people do not consider my sport to be an actual sport. Many people think it is "easy". Well, it is not. I play badminton. High school badminton is nothing like backyard badminton. These girls mean business. It's almost scary. This is my fourth year on the team; second year on varsity. I absolutely love playing badminton. It's a very mental game. If your head isn't in the game then you might as well not be on the court. The best part of the season is the bus rides to and from away games. This is where we all get the chance to bond and hang out. Many inside jokes are formed during these rides. The badminton season is a very short and intense one. It begins in late February and ends early May; that's only two full months.    What exactly is badminton?

Well, that's me; that's a small snapshot of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have a pretty well-rounded set of activities and interests. I'm glad to see you're planning on finishing your high school career strong. I look forward to hearing more from you as the semester goes on.
