Thursday, March 3, 2011

Euthanasia does not equal Youth in Asia...

This week in class, we discussed euthanasia. We were divided up in to two groups to debate the two stances. Group A was pro-euthanasia, and group B was anti-euthanasia. Our deliberation question was whether our democracy should permit doctors to assist in a patients suicide or not. Group A's most powerful statement was that the guidelines for euthanasia are extremely strict so it is rather difficult to actually get euthanized. Group B's most powerful statements were that euthanasia causes an emotional detachment from death and that euthanasia goes against the Hippocratic Oath. The Hippocratic Oath is as follows; "I will neither give a deadly drug to anyone if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect." Doctors recite this oath before receiving their doctors license. I believe the most interesting facts from the reading we were given were that there are specific guidelines for doctors to follow when they grant euthanasia and they're very strict; in the Netherlands, 10,000 requests for euthanasia are granted, 1/3 of them are actually granted; and patients have the right to refuse medical treatment. America values having the choice when it comes to one's final days.

Another thing America values is food. Food is a major part of our culture. The way you eat can determine who you are, or even who you want to be. Starchy carbs like potatoes, macaroni, and rice are great comfort foods because they metabolize slowly and have a calming effect. Sweet foods do the opposite. They metabolize quickly and leave a hyper feeling. Our food habits reflect our anxieties, aspirations, and ways of relating to others. Like fingerprints, these habits are unique. Researchers suggest that food preference starts at birth. A study was done where a group of new mothers were given either a garlic or a vanilla flavored capsule. They ingested this capsule and soon their breast milk showed signs of these flavors. The babies responded by drinking more of the flavored milk than non flavored milk. Another study was done with mothers to prove that we associate certain foods with positive or negative feelings, and that these can be conditioned. A group of mothers were given red bibs to wear when breast feeding. After time, their babies recognized the red bibs and associated them with feeding time. Overall, food has major control over our lives.

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